Things that irritate me

Hi world,
Its like I was thinking since long back to write something about me rather than just my observations about the amorphous world. What better post than the 100th post ? Yes, this is my 100th post. Not all of them have been written by me. Indeed I think only 55-60 would be my keywork. But the number of posts show that I have maintained my crave for good writing and ready to face the world with their comments, be it in any manner. Historically speaking, whenever I have found anything worthwhile, I have posted it here in my blog page( * enthusiasm supporting me ). Today I thought I should be writing about myself. What better than writing what I dont like. That would atleast contribute to the knowledge base of my near-dear ones for " What not to do with Ayush ". Sounds so bookomaniac.. think and you come up with umpteen examples of WHATish books and HOWish books. Lead examples: what not to do @IIT, what to expect when u are expecting, How to win friends, How not to win friends. Ok so cutting the crap as soon as I could here are the things I detest/abhor/hate/loath :
1) Somebody keeping their cell in silent endorsing before the whole world, their sign of carelessness.
2) Somebody keeping their cell in non-vibrator mode in a movie hall when they know that they could miss the call if call comes amidst some loud scene.
3) Some credit card vaala not fullfiling their promises of giving me the credit card even after taking every thing out of my official paraphernelia.
4) People not giving importance to listening and only fond of speaking. Its the sure shot sign of naiveness and showing the whole world, you f*c*i*g dont care about their views.
5) People being presumptuous about my nature when they havent even spent 2 hrs with me. I believe nobody can body.
6) People asking me why cant I repair the lights/fans of their house even when I am an engineer by education.
7) Cab vaalas asking me how to reach my residence in gurgaon.
8) People asking me ( even if by mistake) if I was working in some call centre( yes, I feel very bad)
9) Oversmart people who do a mistake and then try to hide it by their managerial skills.
10) People taking my silence to be submission.
11) People deciding which movie to go based on the review a single person is giving( Thats the worst thing you could do. Everything is perception.)
12) People rating NIT Trichy/S/W above DAIICT( Nothing could be farther from Truth)
13) People saying that Shahrukh Khan is not as good as Aamir Khan( same degree of wrongness as point 12) and that Shahrukh can only Hamm!!( watch Swades, Rab ne., Chak de)
14) For " whatever " reason if any of the guard at my society stops and asks me " which flat ? ".
Note: This list will keep updating.
Its like I was thinking since long back to write something about me rather than just my observations about the amorphous world. What better post than the 100th post ? Yes, this is my 100th post. Not all of them have been written by me. Indeed I think only 55-60 would be my keywork. But the number of posts show that I have maintained my crave for good writing and ready to face the world with their comments, be it in any manner. Historically speaking, whenever I have found anything worthwhile, I have posted it here in my blog page( * enthusiasm supporting me ). Today I thought I should be writing about myself. What better than writing what I dont like. That would atleast contribute to the knowledge base of my near-dear ones for " What not to do with Ayush ". Sounds so bookomaniac.. think and you come up with umpteen examples of WHATish books and HOWish books. Lead examples: what not to do @IIT, what to expect when u are expecting, How to win friends, How not to win friends. Ok so cutting the crap as soon as I could here are the things I detest/abhor/hate/loath :
1) Somebody keeping their cell in silent endorsing before the whole world, their sign of carelessness.
2) Somebody keeping their cell in non-vibrator mode in a movie hall when they know that they could miss the call if call comes amidst some loud scene.
3) Some credit card vaala not fullfiling their promises of giving me the credit card even after taking every thing out of my official paraphernelia.
4) People not giving importance to listening and only fond of speaking. Its the sure shot sign of naiveness and showing the whole world, you f*c*i*g dont care about their views.
5) People being presumptuous about my nature when they havent even spent 2 hrs with me. I believe nobody can body.
6) People asking me why cant I repair the lights/fans of their house even when I am an engineer by education.
7) Cab vaalas asking me how to reach my residence in gurgaon.
8) People asking me ( even if by mistake) if I was working in some call centre( yes, I feel very bad)
9) Oversmart people who do a mistake and then try to hide it by their managerial skills.
10) People taking my silence to be submission.
11) People deciding which movie to go based on the review a single person is giving( Thats the worst thing you could do. Everything is perception.)
12) People rating NIT Trichy/S/W above DAIICT( Nothing could be farther from Truth)
13) People saying that Shahrukh Khan is not as good as Aamir Khan( same degree of wrongness as point 12) and that Shahrukh can only Hamm!!( watch Swades, Rab ne., Chak de)
14) For " whatever " reason if any of the guard at my society stops and asks me " which flat ? ".
Note: This list will keep updating.