The AICTE Fracas.
When will India come out of the shadow of the false ego of government organizations like AICTE who, want to decide the fate of bright students by turning a blind eye towards them. The Indian School of Business is a testimony to the above claim.
ISB, as it is popularly known as is the first Indian B School to be listed in Top 20 B schools in one of the prestigious financial magazine. That implies it follows world standards in the eyes of those who are among the best in the world. Apparently, it follows standards which havent been followed till now in India. Why ? did any B school made it to top 20 in the history of Indian B schools. But sorry, according to the officials at the AICTE the school is lagging some thing which makes them disapprove it. The reason this time is high fee structure at ISB. Well, ISB never asked AICTE for its approval.
How does it matter to the people at AICTE if at all grads of ISB are getting an average salary of 15-16 lakhs if the ISB people doesn't bow its head before them. This is how it runs in India. ISB people knew very well that if they bow their head to corrupt govt org( read AICTE), they'll have to follow the norms of AICTE which are anyway far below the practices followed by ISB.
This is what happened during my graduation days when my alma mater didnt seek for the approval of AICTE. AICTE said similar thing for DAIICT. It didnt approve a new degree which gives BTech in ICT. They said there is IT and There is CS. What is ICT. That was back in 2003-2004. So what if the officials at AICTE dont understand the new vision of India. They let the students without any approval. Result: students couldnt make it to places where approval from AICTE was mandatory. Now Govt of India has its department of ICT. Moreover, the students after passing out prooved to the industry that in the future they 'll be one of the most sought after graduates. Click the link that follows and you'll be able to see the response of the people at that time.
The article has stated that students of DAIICT are destroying their career by taking a degree which is not approved. The kind of response the article got prooves many points besides the axiom that Good Institutes dont even need the approval of AICTE. DAIICT had the standards comparable to the best in the world and the results only proove the above claim. It, similar to ISB never applied for AICTE.
I am not here to boast of the world class standards at DAIICT. Time is the best equalizer . It has been, and will keep on prooving the above results consistently. I am here to say that AICTE should rise above its petty norms and start respecting(read approve) the deserving institutes independent of anything. ISB is above any norms and has been set up by people who are among the best in the world. The time has come when everybody is talking about PPP and AICTE should take a step ahead by approving ISB to endorse the same.
Perhaps, India will be a much better place to study when all the institutes will be autonomous and not one of the nodes of the Government tree which places some written text in the hardcopy lying on one of their dusty shelves above common sense and world class standards.