Winter arrives
Last night we had a major weather reversal at Bhubaneswar. The temp suddenly went low by some 4-5 degrees. Anyways by no standards could that be called a cold weather say by the standards of a delhiite. Note that i am not from delhi.
The major discussion which went into my room was with my roommate who wanted fan in the full pace. I said him matter of factly "that can't be"..anyways we negotiated for a deal.
That actually took me to the melancholy lanes of my Alma-mater where my roomy and me used to have a similar discussion and often settled in any one of us non contented with the decision.
I could remember each and every snapshot of those days...The days which we passed fighting with each other ...still those days which have been the foundation of my interaction after interacting with people who I believe are one of the best orrators I have ever seen.
Its 2006 and I am still not able to wipe out the memories of my hey days..
That makes me feel like taking a break from job and jump back to the academic well.
what say?