Life made easy..
No..No..No..It isnt any technological break through making some leap beyond some routing mundane task . Come one we guys !! every time some body talks of making some one's life easy we tend to think in our mind about the technology it could be associated with. This is something different. Really flirtatiously different.
After term like core competence coined by late C K Prahlad, we have another beautiful term. What ?? for the people who flirt day in and out here is the helpline. " consensual flirtatious " relationship. Nothing just need to know the meaning of two words for this. Consensual, which intuitively is derived from consensus , a plural noun form of consent. So this essentially means a relationship in which both the parties ( or more than that for complex relationships ) flirt with each other in consensus. So ?? Do they take each other's consent ? No ways. Please !!Do you take consent from the person you flirt with. It just happens. Right ? Right.
This term is coined by none other than David Davidar. For those who dont know him ( and I've heard of him ), he was ( yes was ) the CEO of penguin. This Harvard grad has very intelligently played wordsmith by coining this term which is a simple marriage of psychology and english. Flirting is not an easy task. One one hand it asks you to be on your toes everytime the person opposite speaks anything and on the other hand it asks you to be psychologically strong to read and not to hurt the other person. As far as I understand, this term is as good a blunt slap on the face of people who flirt as helpful it is to people who want to ride the success lader of flirting.
This term definitely had the coiner to go inside the mind of the person, read it impeccably, quote it in the least complex word ...ex consent, form an adjective form of it because you need an adjective to describe a relationship. Consensual. And for people who feel offended by naming CKP here , let me assure you : this term will have as many buyers in the high class society ( or so do I see 'em ) as there are in management fraternity. If you dont believe me..wait a while before Shobha ( shobha de ) writes something or before Bachi ( karkaria ) narrates another erratica. On a lighter side, I also assure you that David wont have had much problem coining this term , being himself a controversy's child. The beauty of the term lies in the point that generally relationships which are flirtatious know , of course after some amount of introspection that this is consensual. But for those kid souls who cant read their own mind this term is a huge aid..
Long live have helped..many a people..!!