Review - Wake up Sid !!

Lost the touch on blogging so not sure how much justice I can do. Still trying to key down what I feel...Ok. Wake up sid is a well made, nicely directed and to the point love story. Yeah love story in the quantessential sense that the ending gets the protagonists confirm their love for each other. RK aka Sid is an unawaked, unaware and at times unkempt spoiled brat , albeit a very kind hearted one. The only thing for him in this life is NOW. t=0. So don't we know what do people for whom everything is now do ? Yes, they keep dabbling things which they like, they want, unaware of consequences. Sid is no exception. He does what he wants, taking life with actually a pinch of salt served with pizza , all from his dad's credit card. It doesnt really matter to him whether there is an exam tommorow or not. He'd sleep if he wants; even at the cost of getting an F in the exam due the next date. Till this time one can easily note the way Sid handles the onus of his failures upon others. First time, when he says chotu( his sweet maid whose voice reminds one of Bobby darling) and second when he flunks the year.
But time is the greatest equalizer. Luckily our hero meets the bong from bengal , Aisha Banerjee (Konkana Sen). The gal is new in the town with her wits on her tongue. Sceptical, she is here to get a job somewhere and to become a writer finally. Sid, a true gentleman shows her Nariman Point, the charm of Mumbai. They become friends. Sid gradually helps her settle in the city and make a sweet flat out of an alleged "khandahar" hitherto.
Time flies and because of the incessant irresponsible behavior, Sid is forced to leave his home, go without a car, and get deprived of his credit card, his only source of arrogance. Aisha, indebted to Sid for his help to settle in Mumbai , becomes the saviour for Sid and gives him the refuge at her place. The two start living together. Aisha , noting in Sid, the penchant for photography, recommends him to his boss as an intern. Sid, devastated and deprived by life makes the most of this and comes out with flying colors. He grows from an immature youngster to a more balanced responsible individual.
Aisha, inhabitant with Sid and not able to avoid the charm of the prince, starts feeling a soft corner for him and gradually falls in love with Sid. The director has done brilliant job in depicting the scenes when Aisha scolds Sid for everything just because she is not in ease with Sid as the same unchanged friend and her as a changed person. Yes, Aisha was very much in love with Sid. So much that she hates Sid's intern-mate for coming to her place, though for a genuine reason.
The movie finally ends when Sid goes back to his home and reads the confession by Aisha of her being smitten by Sid. The couple unites and supposedly lives happily ever after.
The movie has a trademark music by SEL( Shankar ehsaan loy). The music in certain places is reminiscent of TZP harmonics. May be thats a deliberate attempt by the trio. The songs are beautifully written by Javed Akhtar. My heart personally goes for "Ek Taara " as the song of the movie.
The performances by all is up to the mark. Though in certain places WUS reminds you of Lakshya and the arrogance of Sid matches that of Hrithik Roshan but still, the movie clearly escapes to be called the ditto of Lakshya.
All in All, a good watch. My rating : 3.5/5